Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Things I Love Thursday...8/11/16

* Nap times- Not my nap time, but my son's nap time. Over the past decade or so of reading various blogs, I've noticed a trend of mom bloggers mentioning that they get a lot of their blogging and answering emails done during nap time. Now that I'm in that same boat myself, it's not that nap time is a good time to do these things-it's literally the only chance you get to sit down with it quiet. :) I'm loving a quiet few minutes this afternoon after a hectic day yesterday-we both needed some time to rest and relax.

* Jello Sugar Free Pudding Cups- I've got a massive sweet tooth and if I can replace one thing in my usual diet that's not full of sugar, I'm definitely making a difference. Because of my aforementioned son, I have a hard time sitting down and having a healthy breakfast and lunch (don't we all, regardless of our child situation). I had been grabbing all kinds of snacks, mostly unhealthy and was noticing the weight packing on quickly. Of course, these pudding cups aren't going to make you lose weight, but they're yummy and not packed with sugar and fat so I'm calling it a small win. Plus, they always seem to be on sale which is a nice bonus.

* Swagbucks-I try not to spread myself to thin when it comes to online earning. While it's fun to earn money for doing stuff you already do, if you earn 30 cents here and there, it never really amounts to anything. I've been a member of Swagbucks for a number of years and I use several different options that they offer to earn gift cards. I try to keep it simple-I always cash out for Amazon gift cards. I earn by buying items from partner sites (like Target, Amazon, etc), doing surveys, or using coupons. Since I've made it part of my routine, I'm reaping the rewards like crazy. I'm trying to hold on to all of my online earnings from now until December to help with Christmas shopping, so I can't wait to see how much I will have earned by then!

What are you loving today?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Things I Love Thursday..8/4/16

While every week is fairly easy to come up with a number of things that I love, this week it seems it's even easier. It feels like a holiday week and it's hard to remember that it's really only a holiday for my husband and I. That being said, we've got so many great things going and a great many things to be happy about.

* Our 3rd wedding anniversary-we celebrated our third wedding anniversary yesterday. It doesn't seem like 3 years already and although that's not all that long, we've had some fantastic memories in those 3 years. We had a low-key celebration since we now have a baby and babies necessitate either lots of planning or a low-key night. We opted for the latter and had steaks on the grill, boston creme cake (a first for me), and a celebratory drink. What a fun, quiet celebration.

* Seeing my husband play with our son. It's such an amazing joy seeing my husband and making up voices for stuffed animals and playing with our son.  Seeing them play wrestle on the floor only shows what fun things are to come since our son is only six months old. Oh the love!