Thursday, July 28, 2016

Things I Love Thursday...7/28/16

*First, one of the things that I'm most excited about this week is the simplicity of writing this post. Several months ago, I went to check on my self-hosted blog through godaddy only to find that not only had the blog been completed deleted by no fault of my own, but the saved file that I had made of all my blog posts for the past several years was corrupted. You can imagine my less than favorable reaction, but I'm back on blogger where it's free and where it's easier to write. In a way it feels like starting over, but since so much has changed since I first started this blog, now is as good of a time as any for a fresh start.

*My Day Zero list-I've been trying to come up with 101 things for a few weeks now and I've finally had the time to sit down and complete that list. The Day Zero list is comprised of 101 things you want to complete in 1001 days. I'm now onto my third installment of the Day Zero list and so much has changed since I started the first one-I met and married my husband, we bought a house, and now have our first child (at the time of writing this, M is closing in on 6 months old). I love having a list of goals to work towards and keep me looking for the positive and things I can achieve.

* Our son-Of course since he's a little less than 6 months old, he's constantly growing and doing something amazing. Beyond all that though, we are lucky to have our first kid just be a genuinely happy kid. He has meltdowns of course, but for the most part, he's a smiling, happy baby. I'm genuinely thankful since I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be equipped to handle a less happy baby.

What are you loving today?

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